149 research outputs found

    From mapping to virtual geography

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    Object oriented roads in modelmaps

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    Registration and Fusion of the Autofluorescent and Infrared Retinal Images

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    This article deals with registration and fusion of multimodal opththalmologic images obtained by means of a laser scanning device (Heidelberg retina angiograph). The registration framework has been designed and tested for combination of autofluorescent and infrared images. This process is a necessary step for consecutive pixel level fusion and analysis utilizing information from both modalities. Two fusion methods are presented and compared

    Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images

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    A method for correction of nonhomogenous illumination based on optimization of parameters of B-spline shading model with respect to Shannon's entropy is presented. The evaluation of Shannon's entropy is based on Parzen windowing method (Mangin, 2000) with the spline-based shading model. This allows us to express the derivatives of the entropy criterion analytically, which enables efficient use of gradient-based optimization algorithms. Seven different gradient- and nongradient-based optimization algorithms were initially tested on a set of 40 simulated retinal images, generated by a model of the respective image acquisition system. Among the tested optimizers, the gradient-based optimizer with varying step has shown to have the fastest convergence while providing the best precision. The final algorithm proved to be able of suppressing approximately 70% of the artificially introduced non-homogenous illumination. To assess the practical utility of the method, it was qualitatively tested on a set of 336 real retinal images; it proved the ability of eliminating the illumination inhomogeneity substantially in most of cases. The application field of this method is especially in preprocessing of retinal images, as preparation for reliable segmentation or registration

    Computer-aided Document Indexing System

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    An enormous number of documents is being produced that have to be stored, searched and accessed. Document indexing represents an efficient way to tackle this problem. Contributing to the document indexing process, we developed the Computer-Aided Document Indexing System (CADIS) that applies controlled vocabulary keywords from the EUROVOC thesaurus. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of the special CADIS internal data structure that copes with the morphological complexity of the Croatian language. CADIS internal data structure ensures efficient statistical analysis of input documents and quick visual feedback generation that helps indexing documents more quickly, accurately and uniformly than by manual indexing
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